How To Make Homemade Chalk Paint With Plaster Of Paris

Simple recipe for diy chalkpaint that will achieve full coverage after one coat

What do you do when you have a certain shade of chalk paint in mind but are not able to find that color hue in the shop? Exactly! You mix that color of your dreams yourself and make your very unique homemade chalk paint with it.

Turns out mixing your homemade chalk paint is super easy! And I’ll share with you a recipe that will guarantee full coverage with one coat.

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Curious what I needed that special shade of paint for? Click here. And see what cute little home decor I made with the left-overs.

It took me quite a while to get started with this project. Do you want to know why? Because I had absolutely zero experience even using store-bought chalk paint and was scared I would totally mess up and would have to sand the cabinet down aaaaaaaall over again. Did I mention that I don’t enjoy sanding at all, lol?

And then came the Craft Room Challenge: I really needed to create more room for storage and couldn’t procrastinate on that project anymore.

So I got right to work and started by getting all the supplies necessary.

Supplies for Homemade Chalk Paint

  • Paint (I used several colors stained varnish 2in1 from swingcolor to mix my very own blue/grey hue)
  • Plaster of Paris (building and electrician plaster works, too. Or maybe it’s the same. Who knows 😉 )
  • Water
  • Scale (a simple kitchen scale will do, I bet you have one at home)
  • Jar for leftovers (I simply recycled an old pickles jar)
  • Whisk (check thrift stores or yard sales to buy one solely for your craft projects)
  • Stirrer (I used a wood scrap I found in the attic)
  • Screwdriver (to open cans of paint)
  • paper towel (to clean up any mishaps)
  • Cover sheet or a piece of cardboard to protect your workspace

supplies you'll need to create your own individual color hue as a base for homemade chalk paint

I found this baby whisk at a yard sale and dedicated it to be one of my crafty tools. You don’t want to use it with food after you dipped it into the paint. Your health is super important! A screwdriver always helps me open up paint cans.

utensils to make diy chalk paint any crafter can do

How To Make Homemade Chalk Paint

Learn how to make DIY chalk paint that will provide full coverage with only one coat! I was so excited when I realised that my recipe is actually that good, I even performed a little happy dance, lol.

1 – Homemade Chalk Paint Recipe

  • 10 Gramms Plaster of Paris
  • 10 Gramms Water
  • 30 Gramms Stained Varnish

Multiply the numbers above (I tripled everything) if you need more chalk paint for your project.

And, now keep on reading for simple step-by-step instructions.

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Learn how to make homemade Chalk Paint that has full coverage with one coat only! #chalkpaint #diychalkpaint #homemadechalkpaint #paint #diyfurniture

2 – Stained Varnish As Base

I had a very special shade of blue/grey in mind that I couldn’t find in the shop. So I mixed my personal colour hue from silver-grey, white and Enzian blue. I used the 2in1 version that already includes the primer.

Alternatively you can use stained varnish in a pre-mixed shade from the shop.

Stir well so you will have the same colour shade throughout your entire project.

to create your own shade of blue you'll mix grey, white, and blue latex paint together

3 – Measure Plaster Of Paris

Same with cookie dough: First measure the dry ingredients and then add the liquids.

measuring one part plaster of paris for homemade chalk paint

4 – Add Water

You’ll use the same amount of water as you used plaster of paris.

The instructions on the back of the package might state otherwise. As you don’t want to use the plaster for the originally intended modelling purpose, you don’t need to follow those instructions.

mix equal parts water and plaster of paris for your DIY chalk paint mix

5 – Stir Thoroughly

This DIY project contains a lot of stirring, lol. But you don’t want your homemade chalk paint to be lumpy.

mix water and plaster of paris thoroughly so your DIY chalk paint won't be lumpy

6 – Add Stained Varnish

Once you’re happy with the texture of your plaster mix, add three times the amount of your stained varnish.

adding paint to water chalk mix for DIY chalkpaint

7 – And Stir Again

When you have an even mixture, you are ready to go paint your project (scroll way down to see my paint projects). Whether it be a piece of furniture, a wall, or whatnot.

stir acrylic or latex paint into plaster of paris water mix for homemade chalk paint

8 – Storage Of Homemade Chalk Paint

The paint stores well and will not only be good for the primary project, but for future projects, too. Simply use recycled pickles or jam jars and add a label.

Make sure to label them correctly, though. See that I wrote acrylic paint instead of stained varnish *insert eye roll here* – I’ll fix that in a minute.

Simple recipe for diy chalkpaint that will achieve full coverage after one coat

Have you ever used chalk paint before? What are your experiences?

Maybe you’ve even made chalk paint yourself? I’d love it, if you were to share your recipe with me in the comments.


PS: Don’t forget to PIN this to Pinterest.

Projects To Use Homemade Chalk Paint

I needed extra storage during my Craft Room Makeover and ended up adding this beautiful Anthropologie inspired cabinet to it.

In this post, you will learn how to paint and stencil any closet this way. You can grab my detailed ‘everything you need to know about stenciling’ guide as a thank you for subscribing to my newsletter.romantic decor craft room storage solution stencilled cabinet

With some of the left-overs I DIY-ed these pretty little upcycled glass bottle vases.

Quick and easy recycling craft project: DIY upcycled painted glass bottles turned vases



Comments (6)

  1. I know very little about paint…what makes chalk paint better than regular paint. Can you draw on it with chalk or ??

    1. That would be chalk board paint or a chalk board finish. Chalk paint has a wonderful matte and even a little textured finish. It is often used when you plan on distressing a furniture or want it to look a little shabby or romantic.

  2. Hi Habiba,
    now I thought the single bee ? I saw outside yesterday was the only one around. But I was mistaken! YOU seem to be the busiest crafty bee around! I really love your tutorials and this recent one especially. I have a bag full of artificial flowers in the cellar. I‘ve kept them, not really knowing what to do with them though. But hey, I‘m off to the basement right now!
    Thanks for all your good ideas and happy attitude which is infectious!
    Charmaine ???

    1. My dear Charmaine, thank you so much for your kind words ??you’re the best! Can’t wait till we can join those real life bees in the (botanical) garden and get our craft on together. Sending you a big hug across town, Habiba ?

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