© Habiba Elkaihel and craftifymylove.com, 2016 – 2021. All text and images that appear on Craftify My Love are the property of Craftify My Love, unless otherwise specified. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from me is strictly prohibited. However, if you wish to post my images on your Facebook page, you may do so as long as you include a link to my blog post in the caption.
You may also use up to two of my images per project in a roundup blog post as long as they are not cropped to remove my watermark or altered in any other way, provided that you give full and clear credit to me and include a link back to the original post on https://craftifymylove.com. You may include these images in a Pinterest collage, too, as long as they are not cropped to remove my watermark or altered in any other way. Pinning any of my content to Pinterest with a link back to the original post is much appreciated!