Sooooo I stumbled over an absolutely lovely image and pattern for fairy, curly, fragil, really romantic looking wrist warmers by Annie’s which I bought immediately. The aforementioned how-to cost me only 3,99 $ and I could download the instructions immediately.
Guess what?

The first wrist warmer of the third pair is less bulgy than the second pair and almost fairy like in comparison to the first wrist warmers – which were fit to be worn by a dinosaur. But I get the feeling I’ll try a little bravery when crocheting the second one from the current pair because I am just not quiiiiiite happy with the outcome…

Three times is the charm
One train ride later (okeeeey – if you reeeeally must know – I was visiting MY man <3 who sadly doesn’t live round the corner. Yet! *hehehe*) I must say I am ecstatic, because – drum roll please!!! – it worked! Instead of 34 single crochets around the tube I only did 23. And instead of four double crochets in each single crochet in the following row, I only made three. Also I skipped one row altogether and voila – it looks lovely and dainty and my Christmas gift for my sistaaaaaa M is (was – not only was it tricky to do the wrist warmers, this post turned out similarly challenging) safe. Hooray!!!
Lesson learned?
Don’t stress and have fun DIY-ing
Basically what I want to tell you with this post is, mistakes happen, even stupidity happens, and sometimes projects don’t get finished because you’re frustrated or loose interest. And guess what? It doesn’t matter! Either you can find the strength to fix the mistake or the creativity to alter the instructions so the outcome fits your purpose! Or you leave it be, cut your losses, and start the next project. As long as you don’t stress over it and let it ruin your fun in DIY-ing – it’s all good in da hood.
Also, other people might see things differently. I gave all my wristies away as presents and my friends loved them (or at least they pretended to love them ;-)). Perfection isn’t always the goal. It’s things made by yourself, in which you invested your precious time and poured in all of your love!
Always remember that you rock!
Now, I am curious as a little puppy
How many unfinished projects do you have hidden in your craft box? And which project pushed you almost over the brim but you conquered it in the end like ol’ William? I’d love for you to share your experiences with me!
PS: If you enjoyed this story of mine, make sure to subscribe to my mailing list to receive more happy-craft-posts to your inbox! Also please do tag@habiba_cml on Instagram, if you craft something inspired by me. And, by the way, theres always the possibility to follow my blog with Bloglovin.
Check out these other crocheting projects:
Puff Stitch Beanie and Infinity Scarf for the Mommas
Awww, was für ein süßer Post! Ich mag, dass Du Deinen Weg zum Ziel zeigst. Nicht alles klappt auf’s erste mal. So what <3
Ein Kommentaraar – juhuuuu! Und jup, gaaaanz genau! Ich war früher oft frustriert, wenn was nicht geklappt hat. Heute sehe ich es einfach als kleinen Umweg oder Lerneffekt oder einfach nur als Wurscht-egahaaaaal 😉